Invisible Structures


About Invisible Structures


More Info on Invisible Structures

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Invisible Structures now has a complete line of Stormwater Management Products to choose from. Our products were developed to help manage stormwater and protect and enhance the environment. We continue to aim to reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect, capture and reuse Storm Water runoff, and change our landscapes for the better.

Products and Press Releases

Gravel Pave2 Close Up2 1920x1080 Invisible Structures Inc

Strong porous paving

Dec. 13, 2021
With compressive strength five times that of concrete, Gravelpave2 can support the weight of virtually any vehicle. Available in custom colors, the paver's lightweight and flexible...

Articles & News

R.H. Moore & Associates
Miami Lakes, FL
Erosion Control

A Diversity of Options

Nov. 18, 2019
Using geosynthetic materials in stormwater management

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